Second wonky pub burns down just five miles away from Crooked House Pub
1 年前
Another historical 'wonky' pub has been hit by a suspected arson attack - just five miles from the Crooked House.
The 500--year-old Greyhound and Punchbowl pub was torched after fire gutted its interior on Saturday morning.
The Grade 2 listed building - which has bendy exterior beams - is just a short 13-minute drive away from the now demolished Crooked House pub that burned down.
Firefighters flooded to the historical building in Bilston at around 03:40 BST on Saturday morning to tackle the blaze.
Footage from the fire shows flames blasting out one of the downstairs windows while members of the public watched helplessly.
Firefighters from West Midlands Fire Service confirmed the building was unsafe to enter on Saturday.
The fire was put out by 05:20 BST but over a quarter of the first floor suffered fire damage, while all three floors were smoked damaged.
The historic pub is thought to have been built in 1450 as a manor house before it was reopened with a license sometime between 1774-1820.
It underwent a thorough restoration in the 1930s when a concrete skin was added to the timber frame for longevity.
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