Aaron Sorkin on How ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’ Happened Thanks to… Donald Trump

3 年前
It took writer and director Aaron Sorkin fourteen years after the initial meeting with Steven Spielberg at his house on a Saturday back in 2006 to finally get “The Trial of the Chicago 7” made. And according to Sorkin, it finally came together thanks to former president Donald Trump. “I don’t want to give Donald Trump credit for anything, but he’s the one who got Chicago seven made,” Sorkin tells moderator Jimmie Briggs at The Wrap’s screening series of the film. “Because he would have these protests, he would have these rallies, and there would be protesters at the rallies, and he would start getting nostalgic about the old days when they ‘Carry that guy out of here on a stretcher,’ ‘I’d like to beat the crap out of him,’ ‘Let’s punch him right in the face.'” “Suddenly, American and Anti-American was being defined the old stupid way, if you’re protesting during the singing of the national anthem at a football game, if you’re silently kneeling, you don’t love America,” added Sorkin.