Three Spanish tourists killed in Afghanistan gun attack

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STORY: Three Spanish tourists were killed in an attack by gunmen in Afghanistan's central Bamyan province.

That's according to Spain's foreign ministry on Friday.

The Taliban interior ministry says it made four arrests linked to the attack, which also left several foreign nationals and Afghans injured.

It's among the most serious attacks targeting foreign citizens since foreign forces left Afghanistan and the Taliban took over the country in 2021.

It's unclear why the attack happened.

Mountainous Bamyan is home to a UNESCO world heritage site and the remains of two giant Buddha statues blown up by the Taliban during their previous rule in 2001.

The Taliban have since 2021 let a small number of tourists visit and access the Buddha statues.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez wrote on social messaging platform X that he was "shocked by the news of the murder of Spanish tourists in Afghanistan".