It's time for a fall financial reset. Here's how you can do it
As the year's final quarter quickly approaches, Affinity Federal Credit Union AVP and head of wellbeing Grant Gallagher joins Wealth! to break down how investors can best prepare for a fall financial reset.
Gallagher believes that the start of the fall season is a great time to get your finances in order, as summer vacations come to a close and kids return to school. He encourages looking back at all your spending throughout the year and noting any surprise expenses that should be worked into your budget moving forward.
Gallagher explains that by taking a look back, you can better anticipate what expenses lie ahead and plan accordingly.
"This time of year is when those expenses are going to normalize and kind of set for the next six to nine months. Let's take advantage of that," Gallagher says. He notes that financial planning can often be stressful.
"People typically tend to veer away from figuring out what their budgets look like because it's a painful process. They don't like to see that cost go up. They don't necessarily want to have to cut things out of their budget. But the reality is, is there's tools out there and there's resources that they can use. "
He explains that working with your financial institution can make your budgeting process easier. In addition, he highlights mindfulness techniques that can help you get stress under control.
For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Wealth!
This post was written by Melanie Riehl
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