Ann Arbor Police and 'Good Samaritans' Save Drowning Man at Local Park
A man who nearly drowned at a park in Ann Arbor, Michigan, this summer was saved and has since made a “full recovery,” thanks to several “good Samaritans” and first responders, police said after releasing footage of the rescue on September 25.
The man slipped under the water while swimming at Bandemer Park on July 27, the Ann Arbor Police Department said. Several people pulled him out of the water after noticing when he did not resurface, police said. “Fortunately, a nursing student was also at the park that day and immediately started CPR,” police said, adding that officers “took over compressions before the young man was transported to the hospital in critical condition.”
Bodycam footage released by the police department shows officers arriving to the scene and doing chest compressions on the man.
The footage released by police also shows the survivor, Jamaine Atkins II, meeting one of the people who helped rescue him. “I’m really grateful to be alive,” he says in the video. Credit: Ann Arbor Police Department via Storyful
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