Trail Cam Captures Mountain Lion's Charming Reaction to Swing

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A trail camera in Black Hawk, Colorado, recently recorded a mountain lion as the “kitty cat” explored the mechanics of a swing, footage recently shared to YouTube shows.

The video, recorded by Thaddeus Wells, shows the feline napping under a swing, before taking an interest in the object above its head and gently pawing it. The wild animal jumps up when the swing starts moving.

The adorable footage then goes on to show the cat repeatedly playing with the swing and watching it sway.

Wells uploaded the footage to his YouTube channel with the caption: “She is just a kitty cat.”

The News & Observer said that Wells had built the swing in hopes that it would attract bear cubs. Instead he got a mountain lion acting “like a kitty cat.”

Wells said: “When I saw this reaction to the swing, I laughed and fell in love with her. Who wouldn’t?” Credit: Thaddeus Wells via Storyful