Network Rail Issues Safety Warning as Track Trespasses Increase
Network Rail has issued a safety warning amid a rise in trespassing on rail tracks, with CCTV footage showing cyclists stopping to take a photo in the middle of a level crossing in Reading.
The footage, recorded on August 26, shows one person sitting down on the railway tracks at the level crossing in Holybrook Linear Park while another person takes a photo.
The crossing is used by up to 130 trains a day, travelling through at up to 100 mph, according to Network Rail.
Network Rail said it has seen a “concerning” rise in the number of trespass incidents, especially on the firm’s western route, running from Penzance to London.
In many instances, children and young people were involved, Network Rail said.
“Fast-moving trains, slippery lineside conditions and unsteady ground combine to create a serious risk of devastating life-changing injuries, or loss of life,” the company said.
Several instances of trespassing have been reported to the British Transport Police, Network Rail said. Credit: Network Rail via Storyful
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