Storm Lidia Expected to Become a Hurricane as it Heads to Mexico, Officials Say
1 年前
Tropical Storm Lidia was expected to strengthen into a hurricane before reaching Mexico’s west coast on Tuesday, October 10, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Monday.
A stretch of coastline that includes the Jalisco and Nayarit states was expected to be the most impacted, with a hurricane warning issued to those areas, the NHC said. Hurricane-force winds, heavy rain, and possible flooding would start affecting the region on Tuesday, according to the NHC.
Some affected areas could receive up to 12 inches of rain, and dangerous storm surge was expected, the NHC said.
These satellite images by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere show the storm’s movement over the weekend. Credit: CSU/CIRA & NOAA via Storyful
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