Cameraman Drops Camera to Run to Help People Fleeing Hurricane Ian

1 年前

An Australian camera operator covering Hurricane Ian in Naples, Florida, on September 28, dropped his camera in the middle of a live cross and ran to help families fleeing the storm.

During the live coverage for Australian breakfast show Sunrise, on Channel 7, cameraman Glen Ellis noticed a family struggling to carry their belongings through rising floodwaters in the background of his shot.

Ellis is seen running into the floodwaters to assist, as the camera continues to roll.

Sunrise host David Koch can be heard through the live cross asking if everything is OK.

7NEWS US correspondent Tim Lester confirmed the crew was fine, adding that it is “an enormous storm”.

“We’re just helping some people through the water here. That is our camera operator, Glen Ellis, out there. I think you can see he is trying to help people who are moving away from their homes,” Lester says.

“We’ve spoken to a couple of them and they tell us that already that their houses have been lost in the water.

“They have flooded right through and they have had to abandon them."

The National Hurricane Center said Ian had developed into an “extremely dangerous” Category 4 hurricane on September 28. The National Weather Service warned of extreme flooding and potential winds up to 110 mph in the area. Credit: Sunrise via Storyful