Two Drivers Plead Guilty to Dangerous Driving After 'Road Rage' Incident
Two drivers in Northamptonshire, England, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving after dashcam footage of a “road rage” incident was submitted to the local police force.
The footage, recorded by another driver’s dash-cam on May 21, showed Kevin Rowley and Michael Drage overtaking each other and “driving at excessive speed,” according to Northamptonshire Police.
Both drivers were charged with driving dangerously, and subsequently pleaded guilty to the offence at Northampton Magistrates’ Court on September 4, police said.
Along with being disqualified from driving for 12 months and being required to take an extended driving test to regain their licenses, the pair must complete 150 hours of unpaid community service and pay victim surcharges, police said. Credit: Northamptonshire Police via Storyful
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