Viral Harris-Walz camo hat is sold out: Here's the story of the company making it
Newark, NJ-based manufacturer Unionwear is making headlines with its camouflage baseball hat for the Harris-Walz campaign, which has gone viral. With the campaign selling these hats at $40 each, Unionwear President Mitch Cahn joins to discuss this unexpected success.
Cahn reveals that Unionwear initially started as a baseball hat company for the fashion industry, creating merchandise for fashion brands. However, this focus only lasted about two years, shifting after the passage of NAFTA. The company then pivoted to Made in America merchandise, with a particular emphasis on political gear.
Regarding the surprising demand for the Harris-Walz camouflage hat, Cahn states, "The demand really surprised us because the hat went up for sale before we even had a production plan for it, and then they sold just tens of thousands of units really, really quickly, in a matter of hours and kept on going." He told Yahoo Finance that the look appealed to a diverse range of consumers, including young people and hunters.
"Baseball hats, in particular, have become a really effective way for campaigns to get their message accross and also show strength in numbers," Cahn states.
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This post was written by Angel Smith
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