Flock of Emus Take Their Time Crossing Road in Australian Outback

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A flock of emus was filmed moseying across a road in the outback of New South Wales, Australia, recently.

Jenny Norris said she came across a couple of emu chicks crossing the road while driving in the Menindee Lakes area. She told Storyful, “It started with two young chicks crossing the road, and as we slowed down to let them cross safely, there were more chicks coming out of the bush.”

“This amazing emu dad was watching his entire family crossing the road safely,” she said. “We take our hats off to him on such a huge brood of emu chicks.”

Norris filmed this video of the emus and posted it on March 6. A man heard in the footage says, “I’ve never seen so many.” Credit: Jenny Norris via Storyful