Bull Charges Into Line-Dancing Crowd at Outback Rodeo
Two people were injured after a bull charged into a crowd during a rodeo event in Kununurra, Western Australia, on Saturday, May 27, local media reported.
A five-year-old girl was hospitalized with head injuries after being trampled and another man was taken to hospital as a precaution, Australia’s public broadcaster reported.
Video shared to Instagram by travel bloggers @charlie_daisy_travel shows dozens of people line dancing in the centre of the rodeo arena before the bull charges in. Charlie McDonald was recording his partner Daisy Jeffery, who is seen rushing towards the camera after the bull crashed into the crowd.
“I was lucky that I was watching the lady to the left of me to follow along with the dance moves, I looked away a second and when I looked back I saw the bull charging towards us,” Jeffery said.
“It just missed me, and I was able to move out of the way. I don’t think anyone knew what was going on. It was pure panic and everyone just ran towards the fence as fast as they could.” Credit: @charlie_daisy_travel via Storyful
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