Canadian Photographer Shares Spectacular Timelapse Featuring Comet Neowise and Aurora

3 年前

Comet Neowise and the northern lights produced a spectacular scene as they blazed across the sky over Bragg Creek, Alberta, on a night this past summer, newly shared video shows.

Photographer Siv Heang Tav captured timelapse footage of the comet as it passed over the Elbow River on July 14 while the aurora borealis danced overhead.

The meteor – which measures approximately three miles across – was visible to the naked eye from Earth throughout the month of July this year. It will not be seen again from Earth for approximately 6,800 years, according to NASA.

Speaking to Storyful, Tav described the night as a “once in a lifetime for astrophotography.” Credit: Siv Heang Tav via Storyful