Glowing Lava Shoots in the Air as Hawaii's Mauna Loa Erupts

1 年前

The eruption of Hawaii’s Mauna Loa continued “with several fissures and lava flows” as well as some lava fountains as high as 82 ft (25 m) on Tuesday, November 29, according to USGS Volcanoes.

Officials reported that the volcano erupted Sunday night for the first time since 1984.

The lava flows were not a threat to communities living on the island, the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency said.

Video captured by EpicLava on Tuesday shows a red lava fountain erupting from a Mauna Loa fissure.

The National Weather Service reminded people in the area that “vog,” volcanic air pollution, can “cause respiratory issues for certain individuals.” Credit: EpicLava via Storyful