Interpol Arrests Mafia Killer Who Lived on the Lam as Pizza Chef

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Convicted mafia killer Edgardo Greco was arrested in France on Thursday, February 2, after being on the run for 16 years, some of which he spent working as a pizza chef, according to Interpol.

Greco, who has been linked to the ‘Ndrangheta organized crime mob, escaped serving a life sentence in Italy for the murders of brothers Stefano and Giuseppe Bartolomeo, police said. He is also accused of the attempted murder of Emiliano Mosciaro, as part of a gang war during the 1990s, according to Interpol.

Greco was arrested in Saint-Etienne, where he worked as a pizza chef under an alias, according to local news.

Italy’s Minister of Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, praised the police forces behind the arrest for their “continuous work to safeguard the safety of citizens.”

According to Interpol, Greco faces a life sentence. Credit: Interpol and the Caribinieri via Storyful