Many Killed in Venice After Bus Plummets From Overpass, Officials Say
A tourist bus near Venice, Italy, plunged from an overpass and caught fire on Tuesday, October 3, killing at least 20 people, according to news reports, which cited local officials.
The bus was traveling in Mestre, a suburb of Venice, when it plummeted from an overpass and landed near railway tracks, Italian media reported, citing Venice officials.
Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro told Italian media that at least 20 people died in the crash, Reuters reported. Brugnaro called the scene of the crash “apocalyptic” and said the incident was a “huge tragedy.”
Footage posted by Italy’s state police shows the bus lying on its side below the overpass, and first responders at the scene. The accident is under investigation, police said. Credit: Polizia di Stato via Storyful
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