Maryland Police Officer Alerts Residents Unaware Their House Was on Fire

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Newly released footage shows a police officer encountering a house fire and alerting the homeowners and their pets on March 22.

According to the Anne Arundel County Police Department (AACOPD), Officer Moreland was driving through a residential neighborhood when he noticed a house on fire and “took immediate action,” alerting residents who had not realized what was happening. Moreland managed to get the residents and several dogs out safely and notified a neighbor whose home was also catching on fire.

Body camera footage shared by the department captures the incident unfolding around 5:20 pm on March 22.

“It is easy to see how quickly house fires can spread and how limited visibility can get, even outside,” the department wrote on Facebook. “We want to thank our fire department for quickly managing this fire and for their heroism each and every day.” Credit: AACOPD via Storyful