Motorcyclist's Crash Causes Fiery Explosion on Cambridge Road
A motorcyclist has been fined over a crash in September 2022 in which his bike flipped and burst into flames, Cambridgeshire police said.
Stavius Gordon, 31, was riding his motorcycle when he hurtled into a turning Audi, according to statement released by the Cambridgeshire Constabulary on September 26.
“Gordon lost a toe as a result of the collision but it was thanks to his helmet that it wasn’t anything more serious," investigating officer PC Sarah Pride said.
The motorcyclist pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention, and without insurance, in Cambridge Crown Court on September 21. He was given a £120 fine and nine points on his licence.
“He initially denied riding the motorcycle but thanks to dashcam footage and statements from other motorists, who witnessed his driving in the lead up to the collision, he was charged,” police said.
The dashcam video shows the dramatic moment of the crash. Credit: Cambridgeshire Constabulary via Storyful
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