Officials Warn of 'Extremely Heavy Rain' as Typhoon Koinu Moves Toward Taiwan
Taiwan weather officials warned of “extremely heavy rain” on Tuesday, October 3, as Typhoon Koinu continued its path toward the country.
A sea and land typhoon warning was in effect on Tuesday, according to local news reports.
Weather officials expect Typhoon Koinu to make landfall in southern Taiwan between Wednesday night and Thursday morning, Taiwan News reported, citing weather officials.
The typhoon has brought stormy weather to parts of the Philippines, officials said on Tuesday, as residents were warned of possible flash floods and landslides. Hong Kong could also see impacts from the typhoon later in the week, including rain and wind, according to weather reports.
These satellite images posted to X by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) show the typhoon moving toward Taiwan on Monday and Tuesday. Credit: CSU/CIRA & JMA/JAXA via Storyful
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