Villages Under Water in Mykolaiv Oblast Following Kakhova Dam Breach
At least 13 villages in Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine, were flooded on Friday, June 9, a deputy of the regional council said, three days after the collapse of the Kakhovka dam.
Footage recorded by Suspilne the day before shows flooding in the village of Snihurivka, located on the bank of the Inhulets River around 30 miles north of Kherson.
Ivan Kukhta, of the Mykolaiv Regional Council and head of the Sniguriv City Military Administration, said on Friday that Snihurivka was among 13 villages either partially or totally without power following the flooding.
Some 593 people had left or evacuated their homes, including 132 children in the region, Kukhta said.
Water levels were still rising, he added, though by just two centimeters per night.
Four evacuation routes were open in the region, and authorities were giving out bottled water to those in need, Kukhta said. Credit: Suspilne via Storyful
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