Whirlpool Swallows Pumpkin and Spits It Out on Other Side of Road

2 年前

A couple who recently moved to Astoria, Oregon, came across a fun new hobby in throwing items into a whirlpool on the side of the road, giving the ongoing experiment a Halloween twist on October 23.

Elizabeth Parker recorded this video of her boyfriend throwing a carved pumpkin into the water, watching it disappear and reappear on the other side of the road. She told Storyful they came across the whirlpool while driving around.

“Being the nerds we are, we tossed some sticks and reeds in to see if they’d get pulled into the whirlpool and travel under the road,” Parker said.

They went back during low tide and saw “two large culverts that run under the road connecting the bay to wetlands on the other side.”

“The flow through the culverts is what causes the whirlpool to form,” Parker said. “We are both interested in the science of what’s going on with the whirlpool and we have other trips planned to see what else we can discover about it.” Credit: Elizabeth Parker via Storyful