Wild boars herd large group of piglets across UK road
8,597 次觀看・6 個月前
Video shows wild boars herding a large group of piglets across a road in part of the UK where their numbers have boomed.
Two adult boars and at least 13 piglets were captured causing a roadblock in the Forest of Dean.
The population of feral boars in the area has swelled in recent years - with some even learning when bin day is so they can ransack resident's rubbish.
Mike Powell, from Lydney, Glos., was driving through Viney Hill with his daughter last Tuesday (28 May) when they saw the boars.
Mike said: "Seeing boar isn’t unusual, in fact I see them most days when walking my dogs - but seeing this number of juvenile boar together was something I’d not seen before."
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