Wildfire smoke sets off health alerts in NY, Ottawa
STORY: An unusually orange sky hung over Canada’s capital of Ottawa on Tuesday as authorities warned of the health risks associated with smoke from unprecedented early summer wildfires.
Ottawa’s air was at the worst level on Environment Canada’s Air Quality Health Index, indicating ‘very high risk.’
Physicians, too, are sounding the alarm.
“People who are experiencing homelessness and spending a lot of time outdoors, the risks to those folks will be higher.”
Quebec - which neighbors Ottawa - is the province most impacted… due to multiple fires ignited by lightning. Evacuations have been ordered in some areas.
The air over Toronto was also polluted, Tuesday… and officials say conditions could persist through most of the week.
Just across the border - The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued a health advisory of its own… suggesting residents limit strenuous outdoor activity.
It’s all a result of an intense start to Canada’s wildfire season… which officials say, is on track for its worst-ever year as warm and dry conditions are forecast to persist for months.
Around 7.5 million acres of land have already burned across nearly all of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories.
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