Make-a-Wish Kid's Dream of Being a Cop Becomes Reality in Orlando

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A young boy with end-stage kidney disease had his dream turn into reality on April 24 when the Orlando Police Department and the Make-A-Wish Foundation teamed up to make him an honorary police officer for the day.

Four-year-old Stone Hicks, was given a special uniform, a badge, and a patrol car ride-along to make him feel like a true member of the force. The department also organized a special swearing-in ceremony for the young boy, where he took an oath to uphold the law and protect the community.

Stone even got the chance to solve a crime, involving a stolen dog named Rocky. Stone was able to find the dog and arrest the “suspect”, video showed.

He also crossed paths with characters from the show Paw Patrol, and got an award of recognition with a proclamation sent to him by Orlando’s Mayor Buddy Dyer. Credit: Orlando Police Department via Storyful