Woman Hand-Feeds Birds on Colorado Trail

3 年前

A hiker on Chief Mountain Trail in Evergreen, Colorado, made some feathered friends with the help of granola on October 17. Breanna Faish recorded this video of very friendly, and hungry, birds and posted it to Facebook.

Faish told Storyful this has never happened to her before.

“There were about three birds that followed my friend and I up the trail for 20 minutes or so,” she said. “I kept talking to them as they were tilting their heads at us, then I held my hand out to see if they would land on me.”

She said the birds did not land on her at first, but as soon as she got a peanut butter granola bar out, all three birds ate from her hand.

“They did not seem nervous at all,” she said. “Once the food was out, we probably fed them for at least 15 minutes because it was such a cool experience.” Credit: Breanna Faish via Storyful