Newly-discovered 'geoglyphs' in Peru detail ancient civilization
STORY: Here on the dry, windswept plateau of southern Peru, researchers have discovered more than a hundred new shapes, carved into the earth more than 1000 years before Europeans colonists set foot on South America.
For decades, researchers have been documenting Peru's geoglyphs, also called Nazca lines. Many of those previously discovered are massive: a spider, a hummingbird, a tree. They have intrigued scientists and visitors for decades.
But this month, researchers announced the discovery of 168 new geoglyphs in the Nazca Pampa and surrounding areas along the Peruvian coast. Many are smaller than the previous discoveries.
Jorge Olano is the head of the Nazca Lines Research Program.
"the discovery is made up of human and animal figures, from which stand out camelids, felines, birds, and snakes. According to their characteristics, the figures were made by the peoples of the ancient Nazca culture, between 100 BC and AD 300."
These aerial photographs have been annotated with lines to illustrate the discoveries.
A bird, a snake, a herd of camel-like animals cut into a hillside.
There are human figures, some of them richly expressive.
"Until 2018 we had discovered 190 figures. These added to the latest 168 make 358 new figures in total in the grasslands."
The new findings, by a group of local and Japanese experts from Yamagata University, are vestiges of Peru's rich pre-Columbian history.
Located about three hours by road from the capital, Lima, they make up one of the main heritage sites in the country, but their study and conservation are complex due to the vast terrain they cover.
The mystery about its origin and purpose remains, but this month's findings are set to help researchers to clarify their distribution patterns and how to preserve them.
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