Child Among Injured in Kyiv After Russian Missile Strikes
A nine-year-old girl was among seven people injured in Kyiv’s Darnytskyi district early on Thursday, September 21, after rocket debris fell on a dormitory and other buildings in the Ukrainian capital, a public broadcaster and officials said.
The girl was in hospital on Thursday morning. Suspilne News reported that she had been sleeping in one of the dormitory rooms with her grandmother when over 20 missiles were fired at Kyiv.
Her mother said she was injured by broken glass after jumping out of her bed.
Video released by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine showed heavy damage to a residential street.
Earlier, the State Emergency Service (DSNS) said the girl was among seven people injured when missile debris hit the area.
Kyiv’s city military administration said more than 20 missiles were intercepted over the city in the early hours of Thursday. Credit: SES of Ukraine via Storyful
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