First COVID vaccine freezer runs by hybrid renewable energy launched in Hyderabad

3 年前
Hyderabad, Mar 03 (ANI): The first COVID-19 vaccine freezer, powered by hybrid renewable energy source from wind and solar energy, got launched in Hyderabad. Rockwell Induatries Ltd launched its new product called 'Chillermill' here. It is both a freezer and chiller and is useful to store COVID vaccine at required temperatures. While speaking to ANI, director of Rockwell Induatries Ltd, Prateek Gupta said, "The vaccine storage chiller and freezer called 'Chillermill' This is the first of its kind as this runs on hybrid renewable energy, which takes its source from solar as well as wind. This chiller/freezer can run with any need of electricity. They get their required power from the renewable energy source." He added, "The 'Chillermill' currently fits the COVID 19 vaccine temperature requirements. This chiller/freezer can provide such low temperatures for vaccines till -20 degree C. This has been approved by World Health Organisation. Some vaccines needs temperature to be between 2degreeC to 8degreeC while some other need temperatures to be at -20 degree C. This product can provide temperature setting upto -20 degree C."