Takeve is Rome's female-only delivery service
STORY: This delivery service employs female riders only
LOCATION: Rome, Italy
Alessia Baldassarri is one of the 15 women who work for Takeve
The food delivery app provides job opportunities for women
in the traditionally male-dominated industry
(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) RIDER FOR 'TAKEVE' FOOD DELIVERY COMPANY, ALESSIA BALDASSARRI, SAYING: "I actually feel more comfortable working with only women. I'm a very insecure girl so I feel more comfortable working with just women rather than working with men."
The company uses electric bicycles for the deliveries
Each rider is given a personal alarm device
that sends out a high-pitched alarm
if they find themselves in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation
"I didn't mind the idea of becoming a rider at all, as we had come through a pretty terrible period where we had to stay at home for practically two years. I also needed to work outdoors and, being a part-time job, it allowed me to better look after my children. I have an 8-year old daughter and a 5-year old son. I was sorry that I wasn't able to see them all day long, but a part-time job allows me to be independent because I stopped working when my son was born."
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