Texas Democrats flee state to thwart voting bills

"Today more than 50 Democratic members of the Texas House left Austin and left Texas. Not because we want to - it breaks our heart that we have to do it. But we do it because we are in a fight to save our democracy," Representative Chris Turner said.

The exodus is intended to deny the legislature the quorum needed to approve any of the measures on Republican Governor Greg Abbott's special-session agenda, including bills restricting abortion access and blocking transgender students from competing in athletics that correspond with their gender identity.

Representative Senfronia Thompson said, "I left because I am tired of sitting as a hostage in a House of Representatives and Texas House of Representatives, while Republicans strip away the rights of my constituents to vote."

"There is nothing special about this special session," Representative Trey Martinez Fischer said. "This is a suppression session, this is a session to suppress our voting rights."

Votes in the full chambers were expected this week.