Tourists chill out at Romania's ice hotel

21,463 次觀看・1 年前

STORY: The 'Hotel of Ice' has been built since 2005 using ice carved from Lake Balea, more than 2,000 meters (6,561 feet) above sea level, in one of the snowiest areas of Romania.

Each block used to build the hotel weighs around 30 kilograms (66 lbs) while the rooms, named after European capitals, feature furniture made of ice and covered with thermal blankets and sheepskins.

However, hotel manager Arnold Klingeis said climate change might make it more difficult to build the hotel in the future.

Despite below-freezing temperatures inside the hotel, Irish tourist Tom said he and his party had not felt cold while inside.

"They give you all the equipment and stuff you need, and it's not cold once you wear layers", Tom said, adding that the hotels setting high among the mountaintops was "so perfect, so picturesque".

Other ice hotels around the world are located in similarly wintry regions such as Scandinavia, the Alps and parts of North America.