Winter storm wallops U.S. Northeast

As a powerful storm pummeled the East Coast, scenes like this started to unfold....


Early morning commuters Thursday witnessed cars spinning out of control –

(DRIVER, OFF CAMERA): “Hey, I just saw an accident!”

A plane skidding off a runway -

and a lot of achy backs.

A powerful Nor’easter walloped the region overnight - from Virginia to New York - dumping up to two feet of snow in some areas.

(WOMAN): “Oh my god, this is crazy. I didn’t think it was going to come down this crazy.”

The first major storm of the season threatening a swath of the country that is home to more than 50 million people.

Officials urged motorists to stay off the roads. And public transportation was suspended in some areas.

Strong winds brought down power lines, some caked in ice.

Normally, major storms mean a day off from school for kids, but with remote learning already in effect in places like New York City, it simply means another day of lessons from home for many students.

Still, many cooped up kids got to take their first sleigh rides of the season.

(PARENT): “Kids need to get out and have some fun, especially after the year that they’ve had.”

Coastal areas are expected to get rain before the storm moves out to sea from Boston late Thursday.