Head to Head: Dog Intervenes in Baby Goat Fight at Ohio Farm

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An Ohio farmer filmed the moment her dog separated two of her goats on January 12 after playful nudges escalated into an all out head-butting brawl.

This footage, shot by Tammy Tunison, begins with the young goats, Alex and Junior, knocking heads on a sofa early in the day. The duking duo eventually tire and go their separate ways.

The video picks up shortly before the goats’ bedtime and shows Tunison’s dog, Q, intervening as Alex and Junior prop themselves up on their hind legs and slam their heads together. Barking, Q intervenes in what appears to be an attempt to calm them down.

“What a funny day we have had,” Tunison wrote on Facebook. “Junior chased me with his tongue hanging out. I tried to tell him I wasn’t his girlfriend.” Credit: Tammy Tunison via Storyful