Thousands Cheer for Hong Kong Liberation at New Year's Eve Celebration

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During the New Year’s Eve countdown in Hong Kong, thousands of protesters gathered at Victoria Harbour to chant pro-democracy slogans.

A crowd of demonstrators shouted “liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time” while the clock projected across the harbor counted down to midnight, a video uploaded to Twitter by journalist Phoebe Kong shows.

“This is how Hong Kong carries her spirit of resistance to the next decade,” Kong wrote.

As part of other anti-government demonstrations, human chains were formed in various locations around the city on December 31, ahead of a New Year’s Day march in Victoria Park, local media reported.

The city’s usual New Year’s Eve fireworks were canceled for the first time in a decade because of “security threats,” the South China Morning Post reported, citing officials. The display was replaced by an enhanced version of a laser light-and-music show that takes place daily in the city’s harbor, the Post said. Credit: Phoebe Kong via Storyful