'I Freaked Out': Motorcyclist Apologizes After Hitting Florida Corporal
A motorcyclist cut an apologetic figure after he hit a corporal from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office while fleeing a traffic stop in Ocala, Florida, on April 7, body-worn video shows.
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office said Corporal Calvin Batts attempted to conduct a traffic stop on motorcyclist Matthew Price as his vehicle did not have a license plate attached.
Price attempted to elude Batts by driving between lines of vehicles stopped at an intersection. In response, Batts positioned his patrol vehicle in front of the motorcycle’s path.
A combination of dashcam and bodycam footage shows that as Batts exited his vehicle, Price drove around the patrol vehicle, hitting Batts. Batts can be seen restraining Price on the ground and placing him in handcuffs.
“Sorry about that, man,” Price says. “I didn’t have my plate on and I freaked out.”
Price was arrested for fleeing to elude a law enforcement officer, and brought to the Marion County Jail.
The sheriff’s office urged people not to flee from law enforcement, saying that it “makes a bad situation much, much worse.” Instead of a $116 fine, Price now faces felony charges that could result in a prison sentence or a $5,000 fine, the sheriff’s office said. Credit: Marion County Sheriff’s Office via Storyful
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