Ice Fisherman and Dog Rescued After Falling Into Utah Reservoir
A 66-year-old ice fisherman was rescued by police after he fell into the Mantua Reservoir in Utah on December 14.
The Mantua Police Department responded after a passerby called to report that the man appeared to be drowning after falling through the ice.
According to ABC4, Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Castillo was first on the scene, with Police Chief Castro arriving a couple of minutes later.
The pair worked together to help get a rope out to the man, and were able to get both him and his dog out of the freezing water.
Bodycam footage released by the Utah Highway Patrol shows the rescue effort in full swing. At one point, the ice breaks under Castro and he falls in briefly.
Troopers said that the man suffered “minor lacerations and mild to severe hypothermia”, while the dog was brought to animal control, and was safe. Credit: Utah Highway Patrol via Storyful
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