This game imagines what Antarctica will look like in 2035

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:: This video game gives you a peak at what

Antarctica could look like in a decade

:: Instituto Milenio Base

:: Victor Fajnzylber, Director, ‘Antarctica Metaverse’

"The video game 'Antarctica Metaverse' is a narrative science fiction video game set in 2035. We imagine a series of futuristic elements that allow us to project ourselves and think about what pollution will be like in another 10 years and how climate change will affect life in terrestrial and underwater ecosystems."

:: The game lets players explore various ecosystems,

sample native species and complete scientific logs

:: Its developers hope to make climate

science accessible to the general public

The video game was developed by the University of Chile's video game laboratory.

Fajnzylber stated that the game aims to encourage players to form their own hypotheses about the world they discover, fostering personal reflections on biodiversity and climate change.

The game is available for free download.