Jobs report: Economy, inflation, writers' strike in focus
The May jobs report came in much stronger than expected, with payrolls at 339,000 and the unemployment rate increasing to 3.7%. Yahoo Finance takes a closer look, speaking with advisers, business owners, and WGA members across the country.
In Washington, D.C., Yahoo Finance's Jennifer Schonberger broke down the jobs report. Schonberger said, "Ten consecutive rate hikes not enough to knock down the job market."
Schonberger also spoke to Heather Boushey, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, about the numbers. Boushey added, "A shortage of workers is a mismatch between the demand for workers and the supply available. And one way to fix that is to make sure that employers are offering good jobs."
In New York City, Yahoo Finance Senior Reporter Alexandra Canal sat down with Ron Silver, Bubby's Chef & Owner, at Bubby's Tribeca. Regarding the impact of inflation, Silver said, "We really just keep a close eye on our costs and we adjust when we need to. We don't hesitate to do it if we need to."
In Los Angeles, Yahoo Finance Live's Akiko Fujita examined how WGA members, business owners, and LA’s economy are all feeling the effects of the writers' strike. Fujita spoke to Chris Keyser, co-chair of the WGA negotiating committee. Keyser said, "At the heart of all of these negotiations is the fact that the writing profession is not financially tenable anymore."
Video highlights:
00:00:03 - Yahoo Finance's Jennifer Schonberger
00:00:22 - Heather Boushey, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers
00:00:41 - Ron Silver, Bubby's Chef & Owner
00:00:56 - Writers' strike
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