Kids Have Fun With Melted Gummy Worms in Heatwave
1,880 次觀看・2 個月前
A family in Berthoud, Colorado, made the most of a recent heatwave by experimenting with melting gummy worms.
Meagan Schrecengost captured this footage on Sunday, July 14, telling Storyful that she and her kids decided to try a hot weather experiment after a week of playing in the heat.
“We grabbed a bag of gummy worms and neatly put them in a glass dish, we watched as they quickly changed consistency and melted,” Schrecengost said.
“The kids were very excited to touch, play with, and taste the giant round gummy we just created.”
According to the National Weather Service the temperature in Berthoud, Colorado reached a high of 99 degrees on Sunday. Credit: Meagan Schrecengost via Storyful
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