King Charles officially proclaimed monarch

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STORY: The death of 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth on Thursday (September 8) after 70 years on the throne set in train long-established and highly choreographed plans for days of national mourning and a state funeral that will be held in just over a week.

Charles, 73, succeeded his mother immediately upon her death but an Accession Council met on Saturday (September 10) to proclaim his succession, with his son and heir William, wife Camilla and Britain's new prime minister, Liz Truss, among those to sign the proclamation.

Making his personal declaration, Charles said: "In carrying out the heavy task that has been laid upon me, and to which I now dedicate what remains to me of my life, I pray for the guidance and help of Almighty God."

The proclamation was also set to be read publicly in the other capital cities of the United Kingdom - Edinburgh in Scotland, Belfast in Northern Ireland, and Cardiff in Wales - and at other locations, too.