Justine Triet 'very happy' winning the Palme D'or at Cannes
STORY: Triet won the prize over veteran directors like Hirokazu Kore-eda, Ken Loach and Wim Wenders, all of whom have at least one Palme d'Or under their belts.
The Grand Prix, the second-highest prize after the Palme d'Or, went to British director Jonathan Glazer's "The Zone of Interest," about a family living next to Auschwitz.
Starring in both winning films was German actor Sandra Hueller, who in "Anatomy of a Fall" plays a writer who is the main suspect in her husband's death, while in "Zone of Interest" she is the wife of the commandant of the Auschwitz death camp.
This year's festival was one of the biggest in years in terms of pure celebrity power, with Hollywood legends Harrison Ford, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Isabella Rossellini and Sean Penn all hitting the red carpet.
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