These recycled egg trays have Gaza farmers rejoicing

29,110 次觀看・2 年前

STORY: These egg trays are cheaper,

stronger and environmentally friendly

And they're making a huge difference

for Gaza's chicken farmers

L: Khan Younis, Gaza

(Akram Al-Amour, Recycling factory owner)

"Our product is environmental-friendly, we get the materials that are supposed to be sent to garbage and harm the environment and recycle them instead. It is also a burden on the municipalities. Our product serves the environment, society and the municipalities. If I don't collect these tons of paper waste and carton, the municipality will have to remove them, and it will be a burden on them, and they will send them to garbage or even burn them".

Al-Amour started creating the trays in 2019

and his project has since grown

to employ seven people

Farmers say the trays are cheaper

and save eggs from getting smashed

(Mohammad Abu Mustafa, Chicken farmer)

"Thank God the new recycling factory saved us. The trays are produced in a very good quality. The trays are heavy and easy to sell to merchants, shops and customers."