Trump goes golfing as concession pressure grows

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U.S. President Donald Trump was seen golfing in Virginia on Sunday -- his sixth round of golf since losing the November 3rd election --as he faces increased pressure from some of his fellow Republicans to concede the race to President-elect Joe Biden.

TRUMP: "I withdrew from the unfair and one-sided Paris Climate Accord."

Earlier on Sunday, he used his final G20 summit to defend his decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord, a move that took effect a day after the presidential election.

Since Biden was declared the winner, Trump has launched a barrage of lawsuits and mounted a pressure campaign to prevent states from certifying their vote totals. So far, those attempts have failed in Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

And on Saturday, Matthew Brann, a Republican federal judge tossed out a similar effort in Pennsylvania, writing that the case amounted to "strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations."

On Sunday, the Trump campaign gave notice in a court filing that it will appeal the loss in Pennsylvania.

But Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania said the judge's ruling closed off any chance for a legal victory in the state and called on Trump to concede the election. And Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney also called on Trump to respect "the sanctity of our electoral process" if he does not succeed in court.

SCHUMER: "Transition, now!"

Meanwhile, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday urged Trump to begin the transfer of power, saying the health of the American people depend on it during the pandemic.

Biden is pressing ahead with his incoming administration. On Tuesday, he's expected to announce some of the first members of his cabinet, and his chief of staff said plans are in the works for a "scaled down" inauguration that follows health experts' guidelines.