Police Station in Rotterdam Boarded Up as More Riots Expected

1,275 次觀看・3 年前

The windows of a Rotterdam police station were boarded up on Tuesday, January 26, in anticipation of a fourth night of riots that were sparked by the imposition of a night-time curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

The station on Sanderlingplein, in south Rotterdam, came under attack Monday night, with rioters throwing stones through windows and attempting to start a fire, police said.

More than 50 people were arrested and 10 police officers were injured over Monday evening in south Rotterdam, where police said “several hundred” rioters vandalized buildings, looted shops, and attacked police officers.

Unrest was reported in towns and cities across the country, prompting a large-scale police response and the arrest of 184 people on Monday night alone. Credit: Stijn Vercruysse via Storyful