Eye scans that can identify child autism risk

15,128 次觀看・3 年前

This machine uses AI to detect autism in children

A Hong Kong scientist is using a high-resolution camera

with new computer software

to analyze fiber layers and blood vessels in the eye

(SOUNDBITE) (English) BIOSTATISTICIAN AT THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG, PROFESSOR BENNY ZEE, SAYING:"Our technology is actually using the retinal image from the back of the eye. And then we will be able to use this information to look at the situation in the brain."

It was able to identify autism 95.7% of the time

(SOUNDBITE) (English) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, CALEB KNIGHT, SAYING:"When we diagnose kids with autism, typically we are doing it between age two and four. And many times parents will initially be in denial. And sometimes that denial will stick. And so - some of the reasoning behind it being is the parent will say, how can you diagnose my child just by doing some tests and observing them and then saying that they have this. But if you had a medical test or biological marker like this, it might facilitate parents not going into denial for longer periods, and therefore the child could get into treatment more quickly."