Iraqi truffle hunters unearth desert harvest
4 年前
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) 72 YEAR-OLD TRUFFLE HUNTER, ZAHRA BUHEIR, SAYING: "Here it is, the truffle... Rain came, and then thunder, bringing truffles up to the surface. Truffles that we sell, we cook and eat. It is a blessing from God."
Some Iraqis have turned to desert truffle hunting
as the country battles an economic crisis
Location: Samawa Desert, Iraq
But this year's rain came late
meaning this family could only find one tenth of their usual haul
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) 31 YEAR-OLD TRUFFLE HUNTER FROM SAMAWA, MOHSEN FARHAN, SAYING: "After the seasonal rains, there are truffles in these areas. After the rain, most truffles are here. This year it rained but rain came late, so there are only a few truffle. "
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