World's largest predatory dinosaur debuts in Chicago
1,499 次觀看・1 年前
STORY: This is the world’s largest predatory dinosaur
Location: Chicago
The Spinosaurus is making
its debut at Chicago’s Field Museum
the only place in the Western
Hemisphere to see the ancient predator
(Ben Miller, Field Museum)
“A big part of the Spinosaurus is that it's awesome. It's just this big, gnarly, cool dinosaur. That's why we have it at the entrance to the museum. We wanted to get people really pumped up and really excited about the natural world, not just today, but 95 million years ago when this thing was alive.”
The rare cast was built in Italy from
fossils found in the Sahara Desert
It’s propped up above the
ground and in a swimming pose
to evoke its reign as a
prehistoric river monster
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