Vivid Red Lava Fountains Spew From Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano
Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano began erupting in the early hours of June 7, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), spewing vivid red lava into the air.
The USGS said the summit eruption began within the Halemaumau crater at 4:44 am. The lava fountain heights have decreased since the eruption onset, and as of June 8, the alert level has been downgraded from a warning to a watch as “associated hazards are confined to the closed area established by Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.”
The USGS said while the summit eruption is expected to continue, it should remain confined to the crater within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) said it did not, “see any indication of activity migrating elsewhere” on the volcano. Credit: EpicLava via Storyful
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