Meet explorer, 14, on a mission to find BIGFOOT
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Meet the UK's youngest explorer who at just 14-years-old is on a mission to find BIGFOOT.
Daniel Barnett has even started a podcast where he interviews famous scientists from across the globe in his search for the mythical creature.
He became fascinated with the subject after watching a documentary with his grandfather Adrian Roberts, 72.
The plucky teen began to research the topic in depth, before setting up his podcast 'Mythical Legends' - where he interviews renowned experts and scientists.
Daniel has autism and struggles from severe social anxiety, but his dad Craig Barnett, 44, who works in schools, claims that since starting his podcast he's become a ''different person''.
The young explorer has set up cameras in Windown Forest, Bridgwater, in the hopes of tracking down the infamous Sasquatch and has even sent environmental DNA samples of a footprint he found to a lab in Portugal.
Daniel hopes to encourage other young people to join him in his hunt for Bigfoot, who is said to be based in the US, by setting up an activities event with guest speakers and experts in the field.
Daniel, from Bridgwater, Somerset, said: "I started going to my local woods with my nan and tracking deer to gain experience.
''We'd look for game trails, disturbances and tracks, and would follow them until we found the deer.
"My nan has helped me organise everything and has believed in me from the start.
"I love being outdoors and even set up cameras to capture footage of wildlife.
''I love the mystery around Bigfoot and that there's a lot of investigating and science into it.
"I'm very hopeful that one day I'll find him.
"People think he's a ferocious scary beast, but we don't know that.
"We base our opinions on Bigfoot around from research in America, when really we could have our own species here in the UK.
"Finding Bigfoot would end the mystery, and actually that's part of the fun. In a way, I'd rather not find him and still have the mystery."
Daniel was diagnosed with autism at six-years-old after struggling socially in school.
But Craig claims that Daniel, who has a younger sister, Emily, 12, has become a ''different child'' thanks to his new fascination with mythical creatures.
"When Daniel finds something that he's passionate about, that's it,'' Craig explained.
"Since becoming interested in mythical creatures and started his podcast, he's really come into his own.
''We are super proud of all of his achievements, especially with the difficulties he goes through with his autism.
"His thirst for knowledge and passion has caused his confidence and social skills blossom."
After watching the documentary "Expedition Bigfoot" with his grandfather in March 2021, Daniel became fascinated with the Bigfoot story.
He discovered an online community - particularly in America - of like-minded people who shared his love of the outdoors and passion for tracking down Bigfoot.
Daniel hopes to one day travel to the US, to take part in expeditions to find the infamous beast.
Daniel carries out expeditions of his own in the UK, where he once found an unusually large footprint in the woods.
Without his parents knowledge, he contacted a EDNA (Environmental DNA) company in the Netherlands, asking if they could help.
They then contacted Craig and were so impressed with Daniel and his passion that they offered to send a courier to collect a sample and sent it to a lab in Portugal for testing - despite usually only working with corporate companies.
Daniel said "I'm sceptical about Bigfoot being in the UK, but there are reported sightings, so I decided to look into it.
"I would love to go the US one day to explore over there.
"When I go out on my expeditions, I always go with an open mind.
"We look for large indentations in the ground, weird bends in the trees, possible hair samples, or food and water sources."
Daniel started his podcast 'Mythical Legends' in June 2023 and has interviewed world renowned experts such as Jeffery Meldrum - a Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University.
Daniel organises and interviews the experts himself but is still supervised by his proud dad, and mum, Gemma Barnett, 43, a special educational needs teacher.
"Daniel asked me how to start a podcast, and within an hour he's set one up on Apple music and Spotify," Craig explained.
"His social skills have developed so much since he's started interviewing people on the podcast.
"He interacts with them on their level, despite being only 14."
Daniel's podcast has been played 359 times and listened to all over the world - including Canada, Ireland, Germany, Israel, Mexico , France, Denmark, Finland and Portugal.
He hopes to continue to grow his community of budding explorers in the UK by setting up a youth group event called 'Little Feet'.
The group met up on 23rd September 2023 at The Purple Spoon cafe in Highbridge, and the children took part in colouring, activities and competitions organised by Daniel, that encouraged them to get outside and learn more about nature.
Daniel hopes to put on more events, to inspire more children.
Craig said: "Daniel has had a really tough time with his autism, so to see his confidence grow has been really special.
"But he also shows the positive attributes of having autism - such as his memory skills, ability to focus and observational skills.
"There are not many people that would be brave enough to call world renowned scientists and academics and speak to them on their level!
"We're so proud of Daniel and how far he's come."
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